Its a very good start for a desktop client.
A couple things that would definitely increase my rating and end my quest for "the perfect Instagram client":
• Id prefer to see the "@username" first instead of their "real name". Everthing about Instagram is @username, so it should go first and be the thing that is bolded. The "real name" should be smaller and in gray. (In other words, the opposite of the way it is now.) At least make this a preference?
• I dont like that I have to hover or click on a photo to see the first comment ("the title"). The first comment should always be visible (regardless of length), and there should be an option to show the first X comments under a picture like the iOS app does. In other words, more closer to the UX of the iOS client.
• There are no timestamps on comments!
EddyGeez! about Instalicious, for Instagram